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Твердохліб В.В, Войнаровська Н. В.

Tourism in Ukraine

Вінницький торговельно-економічний інститут КНТЕУ


У своїй статті, я розглянув, як на мене, такі важливі питання туризму, як: дослідження туризму, розвиток туризму, туристичні ресурси України та туристичні формальності. У статті також ідеться мова про людей (дослідників) туризму, з книжок яких я черпав інформацію при написані тексту.

Ключові слова: туристичні пам’ятки , туристичні ресурси, туристичні об’єкти,  види туризму

In his article, I considered, in my view, such important issues of tourism, astourism studies, tourism, tourist resources of Ukraine and travel formalities.The article also referred to the language of the people (researchers)Tourism, of the books which I have derived information in written text.

Key words: tourism, monuments, landmarks, tourism resource, tourism objects, types of tourism

The problems of  tourism industry in Ukraine was studied bysuch scholars             I.Hortenko .,V. Gulyaev,  V. Evdokimenko,  V. Kyfyak,  V. Matsala,  N. Kabushy,  Y.  Lebedinsky. In particular, I. Hortenko examines social aspects of tourism development in the USSR, Yu Lebedinsky explores the mechanisms of green tourism inrural areas, Mr. Kiyak explores issues management features recreational and tourism in Ukraine.The mechanisms of state regulation, formation, management and development of tourism in Ukraine remain unsolved.

Predictions towards the tendencies of development of tourism at the beginning of 21st century proved to be correct. So, taking into consideration the statistical data,that has been recieved in accordance with the recommandations of World touristic organisation, over 17 millions of foreign tourists visited Ukraine in 2005, over 16 million of tourists from Ukraine departed abroad. Volume of touristic consumption in Ukraine has been above 37 milliards gryvnas, including those on account of entrance tourism - near 30 milliards gryvnas.

As for the most Europinian countries, where the most powerful tourist streams between the neighbouring countries are very powerful, cumulative deal of foreign tourists from Russia, Poland, Moldova, Hungary and Byelorussia for Ukraine during 20 I 0 was 82% from total amount of incoming tourist stream. Recently the changes in visa policy made themselves clear and influenced the structure oftourist streams as in neighbouring countries, so in Ukraine.

Publicity, democracy and European integration course ofUkraine, the abolition of visa baITiers primarily influenced the increase of tourist exchanges, and strengthened the national tourist product in the European market, promoted the transformation of the tourism industry in high-productive component of economic growth, regional development, increased foreign exchange earnings to the state budget, created jobs, improved living standards of Ukrainian citizens

In Ukraine under the state protection there are more than 140 thousand immovable monuments of history and culture, namely: - more than 64,000 areas of archeology; over 54,000 monuments of history; ab out 7000 monuments of monumental art; more than 15,600 monuments of city construction and architecture.

Carpathians, Bukovina, Crimea, the banks of the Dniper (especially near the grave of Taras Shevchenko in the city of Kanev) are very popular among tourists as weIl as cultural of the East and cuItural sights of Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, Odesata and others. Of the various neans of transportation for tourists lowest common is auto traveling, because lack of garages and places in comping.


1.  М. H. IIaнoвa История туристических дострижений.. - «ЭKCMO».

2009, - 413 c.

2.Б.К. Шамрай Туристические исследования. – «Око».  2011, - 240 с.

3.В. Ф. Кифяк Організація туризму. «Книги ХХІ» 2008, 163 c.

  • "Современные проблемы и пути их решения в науке, транспорте, производстве и образовании'2011"
  • Дата: Октябрь 2011 года
  • Проведение: www.sworld.com.ua
  • Рабочие языки: Украинский, Русский, Английский.
  • Председатель: Доктор технических наук, проф.Шибаев А.Г.
  • Тех.менеджмент: к.т.н. Куприенко С.В., Федорова А.Д.

  • Сборник научных трудов SWorld по материалам международной научно-практической конференции.