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Уразбакієва В.М.

Науковий керівник: Войнаровська Н.В.


Вінницький торговельно- економічний інститут КНТЕУ


This work is about modern international tourism which has been developing intensively during the last century. Tourism has become one of the major players in ‎international commerce, and represents at the same time one of the main income ‎sources for many developing countries. 

Keywords: modern tourism, international commerce.

У даній роботі мова йтиме про сучасний міжнародний туризм, що інтенсивно розвивається впродовж останнього сторіччя. Туризм став одним з головних гравців у міжнародній торгівлі, і в той же час, являє собою одне із головних джерел прибутку для багатьох країн що розвиваються.

Ключові слова: сучасний туризм, міжнародна торгівля.

Nowadays the tourism is an underestimated industry in terms of economic importance and of its capacity to generate employment. In fact, tourism is the third largest item of consumer expenditure of households in most development countries. It is the vast and complex network of businesses engaged in the lodging, transportation, feeding and entertainment of the travellers. Tourism plays a great role in unification of various world cultures through journeys. It is like a thread which connects all peoples. As we travel, explore and discover, the thread gets pulled tighter.

Over the decades, tourism has experienced continued growth and deepening ‎diversification to become one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world. ‎Modern tourism is closely linked to development and encompasses a growing number ‎of new destinations. These dynamics have turned tourism into a key driver for social-‎economic progress.‎

The global economic downturn in 2008-2009 has demonstrated more than ever the need for political recognition and support of the tourism sector. The recovery of international tourism has confirmed the sector’s extraordinary capacity to bounce back time and again from external shocks. Tourism is an extremely resilient sector and given its contribution to global economic growth, job creation and development, its faster-than-expected recovery in 2010 was welcome news. International tourist arrivals grew by 7% in 2010 to a record 940 million, with positive growth reported in all world regions. Reflecting global economic trends, growth was driven largely by emerging economies, a development that looks set to continue over the coming years.

According to The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), international tourist arrivals are estimated to have grown by 4.5% in the first half of 2011, consolidating the 6.6% increase registered in 2010. Between January and June of this year, the total number of arrivals reached 440 million, 19 million more than in the same period of 2010.

“The sustained growth registered in tourism demand in such challenging times clearly makes the case for the sector and reinforces our call to consider tourism as a priority in national policies. Tourism can play a key role in terms of economic growth and development, particularly at a moment when many economies, for the most part in Europe and North America, struggle for recovery and job creation,” said UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai.

UNWTO forecasts that international tourism will continue to grow in the period 2010-2030, but at a more moderate pace than the past decades, with the number of international tourist arrivals worldwide increasing by an average 3.3% a year. As a result, an average 43 million additional international tourists will join the tourism marketplace every year. At the projected pace of growth, arrivals will pass the 1 billion mark by 2012, up from 940 million in 2010. By 2030, arrivals are expected to reach 1.8 billion, meaning that in two decades’ time 5 million people will be crossing international borders for leisure, business or other purposes such as visiting friends and family every day.



1.  UNWTO Annual Report “A year of recovery 2010” / UNWTO, 2011.

2.  Graham A., Papatheodorou A. and Forsyth P.. Aviation and tourism: implications for leisure travel/ Published by Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2008. – 377p.

3.  World Tourism Organization Network [Електронний ресурс].- Режим доступу до сайту: http://unwto.org/







  • "Современные проблемы и пути их решения в науке, транспорте, производстве и образовании'2011"
  • Дата: Октябрь 2011 года
  • Проведение: www.sworld.com.ua
  • Рабочие языки: Украинский, Русский, Английский.
  • Председатель: Доктор технических наук, проф.Шибаев А.Г.
  • Тех.менеджмент: к.т.н. Куприенко С.В., Федорова А.Д.

  • Сборник научных трудов SWorld по материалам международной научно-практической конференции.