Аннотация. Отримані позитивні результати органолептичних досліджень показали доцільність поєднання насіння льону з прісноводною рибою про, що свідчить високі показники таких показників, як загальне враження, гармонійний, рибний, солодкувато-солонуватий смак. За пока
Ключевые слова: The research has established that the addition of non-traditional raw materials allows not only to improve the technology of production of salted semifinished products, but also to solve the problem of obtaining a product of high nutritional value.
Abstract. The positive results of organoleptic studies have shown the feasibility of combining flaxseed and freshwater fish, as evidenced by high indicators of such indicators as the overall impression, harmonious, fishy, sweet-salty taste. In terms of consistenc
Keywords: The authors found that the developed technology of fish semi-finished products, will significantly expand the range of products of functional purpose based on natural components, which will allow to some extent to expand the actual problem of processing r