УДК 330.322.011
L.M. Novozhilova
St. Petersburg State University
St. Petersburg, Russia
Достижение доминирующих позиций в мировой системе обмена ликвидностями — важная стратегическая цель хозяйственной деятельности. Представлена модель обмена ликвидностями, в рамках которой рассматривается динамическая система постоянно обновляемых проектов, требующих различных ресурсов. Даны постановки ряда оптимизационных задач с решениями.
Ключевые слова: глобальная сеть обмена ликвидностями, максимальное независимое множество.
A network modeling of socioeconomic systems is the universal tool of translation of public life–support in formal models. The important strategic goal of economic activity is theachievement of dominant positions in global liquidity exchange system. A world mixed market is “
Keywords: global liquidity exchange net, internally stable vertex subset.
Socioeconomic programming is a crucial subject of activities for economic subject of any level, from regional to international. Within the context of operational investigations, any social stratum represents an operational medium demonstrating political, economic and cultural life. The gist of all social activity types: exchange operations, measured by discrete units and combined in discrete moments of time. Networking modeling of socioeconomic systems is a universal tool of duplex translation of public life support activities into formal models.
“Strict mode and control”, as well as acute competition compel economic subject to use scientific methods to justify socioeconomic programs, to simulate economic activities using mathematical approach and to solve optimization tasks, as well as to employ the most advanced intellectual technologies. Achievement of predominant positions in global system of liquidity exchange is a major strategic task of economic activity. Mixed global market represents a meta–network, consolidating global banks, trans–national corporations and supply regions, outfitted with electronic management systems. It is an infinite sphere to employ graph theory.