УДК 54-165.3:544.183.26
Shishkina S. N., Galagan R. L., Dryzhak A.S., Poshelyuzhna M. O.,
Ivanchuk M.V., Minaev B. F.
B. Khmelnitsky National University at Cherkasy
Предложен метод приготовления наночастиц на основе палладия с переходными металлами, основывающийся на реакции восстановления катионов металлов цитратом. Полученные нанокомпозиты за данными рентгеноструктурного анализа являются твердыми растворами с ГЦК решеткой. Зависимо от добавочных металлов композиты имеют разные параметры ячейки, что свидетельствует о включении добавочного металла в решетку палладия.
Ключевые слова: нанокомпозиты, палладий, дифрактометрия, УФ-видимая спектроскопия, вольтамперометрия.
A method of preparation of nanoparticles based on Palladium with transition metals based on the reaction of the metal cations reduction by citrate was proposed. Based on the diffractometry data we find that obtained nanocomposites are the solid solutions with fcc lattice. Depending on the second metal composites has a different unit cell parameter which indicates the inclusion of second metal in Palladium lattice.
Key words: nanocomposites, Palladium, diffractometry, UV-visible spectroscopy, voltammetry
Remarkable catalytic activity of the transition metal surfaces, colloids and metal nanoparticles for variety of organic and inorganic processes has attracted a wide attention of scientists from the early years. Transition metals are active in oxidation of the vehicle exhausts gases witch containing such pollutants as carbon monoxide (CO), unburned hydrocarbons (HC), and nitrogen oxides. Thus transition metal nanoparticles find a great use in catalytic converters and particulate filters for removing those pollutants from the vehicle exhaust. Transition metals in dispersed form are typical catalysts for oxidation of such molecules as H2 or CH3OH allows using them in fuel cells and sensors [1, 2]. Special place among them takes palladium as the most widely used catalysts for various applications, such as electrocatalysis, hydrogenation, and oxidation of organic compounds [3].
It is often the case that advantageous properties of the nanoparticles can be achieved when they contain two or more distinct components. Due the structure and electronic effects bimetal nanoparticles versus particles with one component has higher catalytic activity and selectivity in wide range of reactions [4]. Alternating with the main metal additional components may stabilize and strengthen the nanoparticles and this makes bimetal catalysts more resistant to chemical poisoning and mechanical attrition.